A specialty coffee bar in downtown Burlington, VT
Stop by the Shop
8:00am - 5:00pm
9:00am - 4:00pm
Visit Us
126 College Street
VT 05401
The Concept
Coffee is ultimately a living thing. It is a plant which reacts to, and is changed by, its environment.
This means that each farm, in each growing region around the world will produce a coffee that is unique. In wine, this idea is referred to as "terroir", or "place". We rarely taste this in coffee because it is so often blended and roasted in a way that makes it all taste like, well, coffee. At Onyx Tonics our intention is to tease out the unique flavors of high quality coffees from around the world. We think you'll be surprised with the results.
As coffee is a living thing, it has seasons. Our offerings will reflect this, and our coffee menu will change weekly. Our intention is to continue exploring coffee throughout the year.
Our Lineup
A weekly rotating menu of 6+ single origin coffees
Each week we feature 6+ different single origin coffees from a selection of great local and U.S. based roasters. Our goal is for you to be able to try something new each time you come in, and our menu will never be the same twice. We use milk from Rogers Farmstead in Berlin, VT, and our teas are sourced by our good friends over at Hawkhurst.
Stop by the shop to see what we’re currently brewing.
Who We Are
Jason Gonzalez
Jason discovered that he had a knack for drinking coffee at a young age, and he's been doing it ever since. He discovered the joy of interesting, single origin coffees while working in the UK, training under 3x UK barista champion, Maxwell Colonna-Dashwood at his award-winning shop, Colonna & Small's in Bath, UK. He started his own shop in 2016, and has been running Onyx Tonics ever since. Jason also likes karate.
Awards: UK Cup Tasting Champion (2014 & 2013), 8th in the World Cup Tasting Championship (2013).
Tiffany Farrant-Gonzalez
Englander-turned-Vermonter, by day she's a graphic designer, by evening she helps behind-the-scenes at Onyx Tonics. You'll normally find her at the back of the shop, either working away on her laptop or head-down in a book.
When they're not making and serving coffee (which is rare these days!) they enjoy long hikes in the mountains. They've tried to bring their two cats along, but they preferred to lounge by the window at home.